#include "DbSection.h"static Acad::ErrorStatus appendWithColor(AcArray<AcDbEntity *> Ents, AcDbBlockTableRecord *btr, Adesk::UInt16 col) { Acad::ErrorStatus esBad = Acad::eOk, es; for(int i=0;i<Ents.length();++i) { AcDbEntity *ent = Ents.at(i); es = btr->appendAcDbEntity(ent); if (es) { delete ent; ent = nullptr; } else { esBad = es; ent->setColorIndex(col); ent->close(); } } return esBad; }
static void ClearCollection(AcArray<AcDbEntity *> &Ents) { for(int i=0;i<Ents.length();++i) { AcDbEntity *ent = Ents.at(i); if (ent) { if (ent->database()) { if (ent->isReadEnabled()) ent->close(); } else delete ent; } } Ents.setLogicalLength(0); }
static Acad::ErrorStatus drawSilhouette(AcArray<AcDbEntity *> objIds) { Acad::ErrorStatus es; AcDbDatabase *db = acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase(); AcDbObjectId entId;
//TB: You must NOT append the entities to the modelspace! So the follwing isn't required. //AcDbBlockTable *pBlkTbl = NULL; //db->getBlockTable(pBlkTbl, AcDb::kForRead); //AcDbBlockTableRecord *pBlkTblRcd = NULL; //pBlkTbl->getAt(ACDB采用MODEL采用SPACE, pBlkTblRcd, AcDb::kForWrite); //pBlkTbl->close(); //AcTransaction *pTrans = actrTransactionManager->startTransaction(); //TB: Not required AcDbExtents exts; int len = objIds.length(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { AcDbExtents extents; if (Acad::eOk != objIds.at(i)->getGeomExtents(extents)) continue; exts.addPoint(extents.minPoint()); exts.addPoint(extents.maxPoint()); //pBlkTblRcd->appendAcDbEntity(entId, objIds.at(i)); //TB NO! These entities are already in the modelspace! } //actrTransactionManager->endTransaction(); //TB: not required //pBlkTblRcd->close();
AcDbExtents extents; extents = exts; auto minX = extents.minPoint().x; auto minY = extents.minPoint().y; auto z = extents.maxPoint().z; auto maxX = extents.maxPoint().x; auto maxY = extents.maxPoint().y; //DbSection.h AcDbSection *pSection = new AcDbSection; pSection->setDatabaseDefaults(db); AcDbSection §ion = *pSection; section.setState(AcDbSection::kPlane); section.addVertex(0, AcGePoint3d(minX, minY, z)); section.addVertex(1, AcGePoint3d(maxX, minY, z)); section.setViewingDirection(AcGeVector3d::kZAxis); section.setVerticalDirection(AcGeVector3d::kYAxis);
AcArray<AcDbEntity *> intBoundaryEnts; AcArray<AcDbEntity *> intFillEnts; AcArray<AcDbEntity *> backgroundEnts; AcArray<AcDbEntity *> foregroundEnts; AcArray<AcDbEntity *> curveTangencyEnts;
es = section.generateSectionGeometry(objIds, intBoundaryEnts, intFillEnts, backgroundEnts, foregroundEnts, curveTangencyEnts); if (es == Acad::eOk) { AcGeMatrix3d mat; mat.setToTranslation(AcGeVector3d(1000, 0, 0));
AcDbObjectId idModelSpace = acdbSymUtil()->blockModelSpaceId(db); AcDbBlockTableRecord *modelspace; es = acdbOpenObject(modelspace, idModelSpace, AcDb::kForWrite); if (!es) { es = modelspace->appendAcDbEntity(pSection); if (!es) pSection->close(); else delete pSection; appendWithColor(intBoundaryEnts, modelspace, 1); appendWithColor(intFillEnts, modelspace, 2); appendWithColor(backgroundEnts, modelspace, 3); appendWithColor(foregroundEnts, modelspace, 4); appendWithColor(curveTangencyEnts, modelspace, 5); modelspace->close(); } }
ClearCollection(intBoundaryEnts); ClearCollection(intFillEnts); ClearCollection(backgroundEnts); ClearCollection(foregroundEnts); ClearCollection(curveTangencyEnts);
return es; }
// static voidAddIdsToSelection(AcDbObjectIdArray &ids, AcArray<AcDbEntity *> entset) //TB // 1.) AcDbObjectIdArray &ids is unused // 2.) You must pass entset as reference (&entset) to return the selected entities to the caller! static voidAddIdsToSelection(AcArray<AcDbEntity *> &entset) { Acad::ErrorStatus es; ads采用name selectSet; AcDbObjectId idSolid; acedSSGet(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, selectSet);
Adesk::Int32 len = 0; //TB type changed from long acedSSLength(selectSet, &len);
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { ads采用name en采用SS; acedSSName(selectSet, i, en采用SS); AcDb3dSolid *solid = nullptr; es = acdbGetObjectId(idSolid, en采用SS); if (!es) { es = acdbOpenObject(solid, idSolid, AcDb::kForRead); //TB kForRead es enough if (!es) { entset.append(solid); //solid->close(); //TB No! keep it open } } } acedSSFree(selectSet); }
//Registered as command SOSI/SS void MyGroupMyCommand2() { AcDb3dSolid *solid = nullptr; AcArray<AcDbEntity *> entset; //AcDbObjectIdArray ids; // unused AddIdsToSelection(/*ids, unused*/ entset); drawSilhouette(entset); }